Thanks to Amanda Tuke & Helen Jones for another brilliant workshop. This time the theme was looking at nature through frames – and it made me think of the time I was dive-bombed by jackdaws and crows while having a sneaky early morning coffee in “Chicken Centre”.
The thumbnails are now anthologised and you can read them on the Wildlife London Trust pages – link here.
Not quite hermetic, still
sealed behind glass, we watch
the crows plough through blue
field skies, their blackness bolder
than a child’s paper cutting,
scything the void, plummeting,
gear noses down, leg struts
extended, hitting grass, adjusting
coifs, cawing to fallen comrades.
One tap, then rising back to air.
The photograph of the crow is reproduced under Creative Commons licences, with thanks to Jernej Furman – for this brilliant flight shot. While I have many crows, rooks and jackdaws visiting, they are all camera shy – and my efforts definitley suffer from “the shakes”.