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Friday Flash Fiction

I’ve really enjoyed some creative writing workshops recently. One of the things which strikes me though is how slow I am compared to others. It can literally take me weeks to write a single short story. Given that my goal is something decidedly more long-form, this is a potential problem. Writing short (with the help …

News and Views

pheasant thumbnail

PHEASANT Not ice, just a crust of frost baked mud, rutted with the memory of rain. Warmth forgotten, beaten down by broken bracken, distant snap of dog frozen in the air. Helmeted green, duck sleek and red eyed, hop-strutting towards us. Wise guy this one; canny enough not to fly.


Vive la France !

This week NEC have published their “interview” with me on the French GCSE course. Link here. I love all things French and one of my Lockdown resolutions was to improve my spoken language. Time will tell if that’s worked, as the acid test will be when we finally head back South. In the meantime, both …